Our Eagles will be competing in the VEX Robotics competition for the next few days. Check out details and live stream here! We wish them the best of luck! #SOAR #SASedu #Eagles
from Singapore American School http://ift.tt/2BCMZoa
Our Eagles will be competing in the VEX Robotics competition for the next few days. Check out details and live stream here! We wish them the best of luck! #SOAR #SASedu #Eagles
The high school music department cordially invites you to its annual Winter Collage concert. Our talented students from the high school music department have a wonderful selection of seasonal songs guaranteed to get you into the holiday spirit! This is our most anticipated event of the year and is not to be missed. The show starts at 7:00 p.m. in the SAS auditorium and admission is free.
Singapore American School has a spacious green campus, top-notch facilities, and excellent educational resources. But our greatest asset has always been our teachers. This week, we explore the demographics of these professionals, who focus their energy, enthusiasm, and expertise on educating your children.
Teacher nationality, experience, qualifications, and tenure at SAS
SAS currently employs 383 teachers in 381.5 full-time equivalent positions. Our teachers are citizens of nineteen different countries, with nearly three-quarters coming from North America. Thirteen or more SAS teachers come from each of China, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Singapore. One to three teachers come from each of Brazil, Holland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Peru, the Philippines, South Africa, Spain, and Venezuela.
SAS teachers' nationalities
Our teachers come to us at different points in their careers, but most have gained significant experience elsewhere before joining SAS. This year, our new teachers' average teaching experience is 10 years, and 71% have taught for six or more years prior to joining us.
Experience before joining SAS
Once here, our teachers on average stay longer than is usual in international schools, where staff tend to be highly mobile. The average length of stay for SAS teachers this year stands at 7.61 years, which is very similar to last year's number. Nearly half of our teachers are now in their sixth or higher year here, again an enviable figure among international schools.
SAS teacher tenure
Most of our teachers have academic qualifications beyond a bachelor's degree, with over three-quarters having earned at least one master's degree. SAS encourages professional development and we are proud that a number of our teachers are pursuing higher degrees through programs supported by SAS or independently.
Qualifications (highest degree achieved)
Further facts about SAS teachers
Our teachers' average age is just over 44 years, which has remained consistent over the last decade. Our teaching staff this year is 62% female and 38% male, which we may compare with 75% female for K–12 teachers in the US, according to US Education Department data. We feel that having teachers of both genders benefits our students by giving them a variety of role models and teaching styles. SAS is committed to hiring the best teachers, whether at international recruiting fairs, through our hiring portal, or through personal inquiries here in Singapore. Currently, 88% of our teachers were hired overseas, while 12% are local hires (meaning Singaporeans and foreigners already living here).
Turning to household composition, 38% of our teachers are "teaching couples," (both spouses work at SAS) while 62% are "singles" (a spouse, if any, does not also work at SAS). Contrary to what some may believe, teaching couples are not necessarily more economical because although we may save on some benefits, such as housing, teaching couples often have children whose education at SAS is a significant cost. In hiring, SAS strives to assemble a diverse group of excellent teachers; qualifications, experience, and compatibility with the school's ethos are the qualities we look for most during the hiring process.
Teacher age, gender, hire location, and "single" status
Student-teacher ratio, class size, and extracurricular contributions
A student-teacher ratio of 10.6:1 means that SAS students receive ample personal attention. This ratio factors in all classroom, specials, and support teachers, as well as counselors, librarians, and technology coaches. It does not include our instructional assistants, who, especially for our younger students, provide significant extra adult interaction. When thinking of your child's classes, it is also useful to consider class size, another indication of the personal attention each student can expect. Class size at SAS is typically limited to sixteen students in our early learning center and on average, twenty-two students in grades K-12.
Beyond the classroom, each SAS teacher sponsors or leads a co-curricular activity at school, with some teachers participating in multiple activities. Whether this is coaching soccer, providing Model UN support, sponsoring a creative writing club, or supervising student ushers during performances, our teachers play a key role in helping students explore and develop their interests.
Student-teacher ratio in recent years
SAS received over 2,000 applications for the 41 teaching positions available for 2017–18. We are extremely proud of our talented, dedicated, and highly professional teachers, who are committed to giving each student personalized and rewarding educational experiences at SAS. We hope you have enjoyed learning more about them. Please send comments, questions, and suggestions for future articles to mrogers@sas.edu.sg. We look forward to hearing from you.
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
No home is complete without a proper working toilet. The thought of relieving yourself out in nowhere can be literally scary. However, with a toilet in place; it is simple and very convenient. However, simple as they may look, there is much to know about toilets. You need to know how they work in order to get trouble free use and long life from them. Here are some vital facts about toilets you need to know.
The shape of a toilet plays an integral part in how your toilet looks. Indeed it determines the style of the bowl, seat, and also lid. Additionally the shape of your toilet will also determine the amount of installation space that your toilet requires. Here is what you need to know about toilet shapes.
Elongated toilet bowl shape is not the most common yet. However it has many ad
Unlike their elongated counter parts, the round toilet bowls are the most common designs due to these.
Elongated Toilet Bowls often extend from wall about 18 inches plus. On the contrary the Round Toilet Bowls take slightly below 17 inches making them super options for the very small space designs.
Also known as the Compacted Elongated Bowls, the oval toilet bowl saves 10% more space than the normal Elongated Toilet Bowls. They are likable for.
Usually, round shapes require less space but are much more comfortable. Oval shapes on the other hand require more space to install, while elongated shapes are the master of class and design.
The reason why a knowing the height of your toilet seat plays a key role is simple. It determines how comfortable your will be when using the toilet. When your legs dangle, they grow tired fast and a leaves you quite uncomfortable. Here is what you should know about the toilet seat height (Source: Toiletrated).
Toilet height is simply measured with a tape measure. The measurement is taken from the floor to the top of the seat. Heights vary, but more often they fall somewhere between 14 inches and 18 inches.
The standard toilets sit 14 inches. However the Chair Height Toilets or the Comfort Height Toilets – like Kohler refers to them will measure 15 inches or more. Many of them 16″+ are ADA compliant.
Standard toilets are ideal for people with smaller stature or average heights. On the other hand, Chair Height Toilets are often two inches higher than standard-height toilets. They are easier to use as too.
Finally there are the Custom Height Toilets. A good example of this type of toilet is the Wall-hung toilets that can often be positioned at a desired height from 15-3/8″ to 28-1/2″ to allow range of users.
Another important consideration to go with is the toilet trapway. The main job of a toilet trapway is to carry waste from the toilet bowl to the main sewer line piping. A fully glazed toilet trapway will keep a smooth flow. Here are some toilet trapways that you can always go along with.
The Exposed Trapway is traditionally designed. They can be easily seen from the side of any toilet that uses this design. They are characterized with standard caps to cover the exposed bolts that attach your toilet to the floor.
These one features a smooth trapway surface. You can easily wipe the surface clean. Low-profile bolt caps are used instead of the traditionally exposed raised caps in order to provide a smooth, easy-to-clean surface on toilets (Visit: Toilet Rated).
This is also known as the skirted trapway. It offers an easy-to-clean uniform base usually extending from the front to back of the toilet base. Usually, no bolts are exposed and many models require no drilling or caulk to install.
Toilet trapways are easy to manage as you can learn how to remove your toilet caps and again replace them with a more exquisite design. The process is usually simple and more specifically a DIY procedure.
Apart from what we have seen the next thing in line to play an integral part on how your toilet operates is the flushing system. From gravity, dual flush, to double cyclone, or single flush the choice literally lies with you.
Even so the way your flushing lever is placed will be determined with what types of design you need. Today, toilets come with varying flush leavers and some of the most common ones that you might find are these.
Looking at what having a great toilet entails, we can’t still walk away from the benefits of a good flushing toilet.
High Flow toilets offer an easy to use method to remove waste. They are very hygienic and will help to keep germs and bacteria away. Additionally, a high flow toilet is easy to take care of will last longer than a normal toilet. They also keep odor away and leave you with a fresh breath always. One last thing though, they are eco-friendly but can a little pricey but generally worth it.
To keep your toilet functioning at best, it is important that you learn some of the most Common Problems of Toilets and how to take care of them. This will help you to learn more about your toilet and also work with it in the most appropriate ways.
Toilets are a necessity in a home. They also help to boost the value of your home and also to keep your options for improvements open. Always choose a design that is best for you.
Contributed by: Perfectbath foremost experts in Toilets and bathroom fixtures
The post Things You Didn’t Know About Toilets appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
Click here to read 42 Simple Hanukkah Crafts for Kids to Make on Hands On As We Grow
This year, I have had many requests to share ideas of Hanukkah crafts for kids to make.
Our family celebrates Christmas. We have always shared easy Christmas crafts, including Santa crafts, Christmas tree crafts, and lots of homemade ornaments for kids to make as well.
I have never shared any Hanukkah crafts before since it has always just been my family sharing the activities we do.
This is the great blessing of having a creative team of contributors. They are ready and willing to share their activities with us!
I thought it would be nice to also have a great collection for inspiration as well. Here’s some simple Hanukkah craft the kids can make.
Below, you will find Dreidel crafts, Star of David crafts, Menorah crafts, plus some Hanukkah advent calendars for the kids to make.
Dreidels are a small spinning toy used to play a traditional Hanukkah game. You can learn how to play with the Dreidel here.
On each night of Chanukkah, one new light of the Menorah is lit.
I hope someone can help me out here and tell me about the 7 or 8 candle difference with either a Menorah or Hanukiah.
From what I read here, the Hanukiah is with 7 candles in line and the 8th is offset, whereas the Menorah has seven candles all in line.
Below are crafts of both Menorahs and Hanukiahs.
Star of David is a well-known six-pointed symbol of two triangles interlaced together. You can read about the origin and meaning of the Star of David here.
And of course, it’s fun to count down the days of Hanukkah, so here’s some Hanukkah advent-type calendars.
I’ve used that quote before – twice actually – and I’ll probably use it again because its relevancy is never diminished.
It’s seldom fair, but the fact is that perception matters more than reality.
It’s within that context that we wanted to take a day to gauge your perception of the golf equipment brands we cover every day. Leaving little room for nuance, I’m calling it the One Word Survey.
Some of the words are unquestionably positive; language that golf companies want consumers to associate with their brands. Others words are unquestionably negative; language golf brands prefer you associate with their competitors.
The thing is, we’re not interested in how brands position themselves, we want to know what you think about the leading brands in the golf equipment market today.
Give us just a small amount of demographic information, then, for each word presented, choose the brand you most associate with that word. We'll share the results in a few weeks.
Mobile Users: If the survey doesn't load, please click here.
We strive to make the holidays less stressful and more enjoyable. In an effort to pare down on the holiday crazy, we vowed to give experiences instead of stuff whenever possible and give only a couple high-quality gifts. We wanted to lessen the focus on gifts, and instead place it on the meaning of Christmas and...
Continue Reading...Advent Family Traditions (+ DIY Wreath & Calendars)
Most golf instructors have go-to training aids and drills that they use in trying to eliminate poor swing habits and promote better, more repeatable, patterns.
But what makes a great golf training aid?
The training aids that endure are the ones that are easy to use and provide instant feedback, so it should probably be intuitive, and it definitely needs to produce results for the student.
Earlier this year we showcased the Top 5 Golf Training Aids on the market today, as determined by over 4,000 MyGolfSpy readers. This list includes tools that have proven to provide real results. That list featured popular training aids like the Orange Whip, Tour Striker, DST Compressor and the Eyeline Putting Mirror. Those are, without a doubt, among the best golf training aids on the market today because they address swing flaws while providing immediate feedback.
Most of you know about driveway stakes, but have you considered that there are countless other golf training aids out there that were never designed to be used in any golf-related capacity whatsoever? Some of the most reputable instructors we know have a mix of common (and not so common) household items in their teaching arsenal.
What are some of the best DIY training aids?
We asked several of the golf instructors we know to tell us what household items they're using, and how you can leverage them to improve your game. Here is their list.
Intended use: Used primarily for eating liquid or semi-liquid foods
How to use it for Golf: “I keep a spoon in my teaching bag to help golfers gain a sense of a flat or flatter lead wrist at the top of the backswing. ‘A spoonful of compression!’” – Andrew Rice, The Club at Savannah Harbor, Savannah, GA
Intended use: Combat foot odor and perspiration
How to use it for golf: “With the larger faces of modern drivers, there is a lot of room for error. It’s important to understand how your strike point will impact ball flight. For example, a slight toe strike will encourage a draw, whereas a heel strike will encourage a fade. In addition, hitting it lower on the face will impart more spin, while striking it towards the upper half of the face will keep spin down. Spray it on the face of your driver until it is covered. Then divide your driver up into four quadrants with a tee or your finger. Pay close attention to your ball flight in relation to the strike point.” – Andy Patnou, Terravita Golf Club, Scottsdale, AZ
Intended use: A container that is used to hold drinking water
How to use it for golf: “I use an empty plastic water bottle outside of the ball to give a shanker something to avoid hitting on the downswing. The water bottle or water bottles can be arranged on the ground to teach the student on their swing path and in working on a more in to out path.” – Hank Haney, Golf Academy at Westridge, Dallas, TX
Intended use: Used when learning to swim, for floating
How to use it for golf: “We use pool noodles a lot in instruction. We have students stand on them for balance. We also use them over aim sticks to buffer accidental impact, and we use them as hurdles to work on trajectory windows.’” – Martin Chuck, Tour Striker Golf Academy, Phoenix, AZ
Intended use: Measure length up to one yard
How to use it for golf: “A great household item is a metal yardstick. Place a ball in the hole on one end and hit putts. If the ball rolls off one side or the other, it was struck in excess of 1 degree off line. If it stays on the yardstick for the entire 3-feet, it was within 1-degree of perfect. This drill is ideal for ensuring that your putter face is returning square to your line at contact.” – George Connor, Golf Channel Academy at Farmington Woods, Farmington, CT
Intended use: Dry off when wet
How to use it for golf: “An overwhelming majority of the people that I work with slice the golf ball. The most common flaw that I see with slicers is the path is too leftward or ‘over the top.’ I use a towel and place it under the arms of my students to help them get the feeling of having their arms ‘pinned’ to their bodies, instead of lifting their hands too high. It’s hard to raise your hands while trying to keep a towel across your chest at the same time. They should be able to make normal swings without the towel dropping from their arms. In addition, I can also lay the towel flat on the ground about 3 inches behind the golf ball and have a student work on missing the towel to help improve ball first contact, while addressing the low point in their swing.” – T.J. Sullivan, GolfTEC Halsted Row, Chicago, IL
Intended use: Secure objects without tying knots and to absorb shock
How to use it for golf: “One of my favorite household items that I use for instruction is a bungee cord. I take one end of the cord and loop it around the player’s right lower bicep (just above the elbow), then take the other end of the cord and go in front of their stomach over their back left pocket of the pants and hook it into a belt loop. I know that sounds odd, but it really promotes a better turn, keeping the arms in front of the body during both the downswing and backswing. It provides a connected feeling where the arms don’t keep running at the top of the backswing.” – John Kostis, Grayhawk Golf Club, Scottsdale, AZ
Intended use: A cleaning tool
How to use it for golf: “One household item that I use is a broomstick with chipping. I ask the student to hold the broomstick at a normal club length outside their front foot. They then make practice swings keeping the longer part of the broomstick outside of their upper torso. This prevents the flips or their wrists from breaking down too soon or too much through impact.” – Jon Paupore, Director of Instruction at Red Ledges, Heber City, UT
Intended use: Hang your clothing
How to use it for golf: “Put it on the left side of your grip, in line with your club with the hook of the clothes hanger aimed up to the sky. It’s great for clubface awareness and building a flatter left wrist at the top, if needed. It’s helpful for players who lack clubface awareness and leave the face open at the top of the backswing. You can help a student to get their arms and hands moving properly in the swing.” – Derek Deminsky (Golf Better Tucson), Forty Niner Golf Club, Tucson, AZ
Intended use: Cover a floor surface
How to use it for golf: “Being able to flop a ball off tight carpet onto a bed and have it stay is a high-level skill. This drill helps golfers to learn how to work the bounce on their wedges and slide the club under the ball to elevate it quickly with high spin. Students can start with a wiffle ball and then move up to a golf ball.” – Matt Thurmond, Arizona State University Men’s Golf Coach, Tempe, AZ
Intended use: To measure distances or to rule straight lines
How to use it for golf: “Tape a ruler to the loft of a long iron and practice impacting the flat side of a bag with the flat side of the ruler. This is a great drill for those students that need more shaft lean at impact.” – Adam Kolloff, Director of Instruction at Liberty National, Jersey City, NJ
This list just scratches the surface on household items that also serve as golf training aids. The possibilities are endless. There is no correlation between the cost of a training aid and its effectiveness. Some outside the box thinking can save you money and still help you get better.
If there are items out there that can also function as golf training aids, they will be used in that fashion. Again, the key is to find training aids that provide instant feedback and address swing flaws, whether they are intended to be used as golf training aids or not. Have fun with it and get creative.
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
It’s expensive to repair broken pipes—damage that commonly occurs during winter due to low temperatures. To ensure that you get to enjoy a hot bath any time of the day without worrying about the bathroom pipes, read the following tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Drain the lines
Shut off the valves supplying your outside water lines. Individual supply lines running to the outside (hose bibs for example) will usually have a shut off valve on the inside of your home, close to where the supply goes outside. Drain the outside lines by opening the tap and then leave it in the open position. As long as it remains open, even a small amount of leftover water in the line can freeze and expand without causing any damage. Source: DoItYourself
Adjust the thermostat
Set the home or structure’s thermostat to at least 55 °F (13 °C). This will keep the temperature well above the freezing point of water. It will also allow enough warm air to circulate to the attic and behind walls, where pipes are often located. Source: WikiHow
Install a heating cable
Any outdoor pipes, such as water lines that run in a crawlspace under a house, are susceptible to freezing. Insutation, whether in the walls or around the pipes themselves, can help keep out the elements. But even that might not be enough, especially if you live in a cold climate.
To be sure your pipes won’t freeze, you can install electrical heating cable around the crawlspace pipes. The cable’s temperature automatically adjusts to the appropriate heat output as ambient temperatures change. Source: PopularMechanics
Make sure there are no air leaks
Seal leaks that allow cold air inside near where pipes are located. Look for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents and pipes, and use caulk or insulation to keep the cold out. With severe cold, even a tiny opening can let in enough cold air to cause a pipe to freeze. Source: Patch
A sauna and a steam shower can make your winter days and nights so much better. Call us today!
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The post 4 Ways to Avoid Frozen Pipes appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
I’m a sucker for curried Indian dishes and Butter Chicken has long been on my list to recreate at home in the Instant Pot. This dish is much more budget-friendly made at home and is a great change of pace from chili, soups, and more common winter staples. Traditional recipes like this one use heavy...
Continue Reading...Better-for-You Butter Chicken Recipe (Slow Cooker or Instant Pot Option)
As reported yesterday by Golf Digest’s Mike Stachura, there’s been an escalation in the legal tussling between PXG and TaylorMade.
You may recall that this all started with PXG claiming that, with the P790 iron, TaylorMade violated several PXG patents. In an unusual step, PXG also filed suit against select retailers for selling the allegedly infringing irons. Claiming that allowing the P790 to remain on the market would do irreparable harm, PXG also sought a preliminary injunction blocking the sale of the P790. That request was denied shortly after that, and then things went mostly quiet until two weeks ago.
The latest salvo has TaylorMade filing a counterclaim in which it argues that although it didn’t violate any PXG patents, several current PXG products violate TaylorMade patents. TaylorMade has asked the court to prevent PXG from selling the allegedly infringing products. For good measure, TaylorMade has also asked the court to declare five of the patents PXG used as the basis for its original complaint invalid.
Sound familiar? All that’s missing is a cursory “I know you are, but what am I?”.
According to Stachura, the offending PXG products include entire 0311 Iron family, as well as the 0811 Driver and 0341 Fairway Wood. Stachura observes, “TaylorMade isn’t interested in stopping the sale of just one product. It’s going after nearly all of PXG’s inventory.”
Classic tit for tat and I expect that same result; TaylorMade gets to sell its 790, PXG will likely keep selling too.
To no small degree, this mirrors the approach Titleist has taken in its current litigation with Costco over the Kirkland Signature Ball. And while this gives the appearance of TaylorMade playing hardball with an industry outsider, sadly this is mostly boilerplate patent litigation stuff.
It goes a little something like this:
You infringed! No, you infringed!
Your patents are invalid! No, your patents are invalid!
It’s not so much a calculating war as it is what the late George Carlin would term a prick-waving dick fight.
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While I can’t speak to what either side actually believes to be true regarding the validity and subsequent infringement upon their respective patents, from the outside, the sudden discovery by TaylorMade’s crack team of patent scholars that a collection of two and a half-year-old PXG products infringes on its IP reeks of intellectual dishonesty.
Call it a leverage play meant to put PXG on the defensive. It's possible TaylorMade has a case - I’ve been told nearly every golf product infringes on something else if you look hard enough. The strategy might even work too, but it's hard for me to believe either that TaylorMade previously failed to notice its IP was being borrowed, or that it was previously content to give PXG a free pass to use its intellectual property to rule the premium market and potentially take dollars out of TaylorMade's pocket.
2.5 years on the market and you just now noticed? Really?
A preliminary hearing in the case is set for early next month, and while the outcome is anything but certain, I suspect both sides will eventually agree that they’ve spent enough money and that it’s in both parties’ best interest to walk away.
My prediction, nobody wins but the lawyers.
Click here to read Coffee Dripped Book: Keepsake Craft for Kids on Hands On As We Grow
A coffee craft!! Yep, a fun and simple keepsake for your kids to enjoy creating using good ole’ decaf coffee.
This coffee dripped keepsake craft can be used for photo albums, drawing or writing books, secret messages, homemade gifts, treasure maps, and nature journals.
We love using ours as a nature journal, to collect favorite leaves that are found on nature walks, draw sketches of plants, or to smear some dirt for a texture page.
This coffee craft is a simple three-step process of coffee dripping, drying, and book assembly. Once created, it can be used right away or saved for a special activity or upcoming event.
Supplies needed:
Begin by brewing your cup of coffee so that it has time to cool before your kids use it for staining.
Then place your towel or sheet down on your crafting surface; whether that be on the patio, in the kitchen, or on the porch (coffee can stain).
Add your baking or crafting tray on the towel and put down a white piece of paper in the tray.
For the cover, I used a stronger white paper (watercolor paper – or you can use construction paper). It left a much more distinct coffee pattern on the paper, so it made a nice cover.
For the inside pages, I used regular construction paper, but you can also use construction paper for the entire book.
When your coffee is cooled, pour it into a non-breakable cup or container (like a plastic cup) and grab the dropper.
Now, grab the kids!
Before beginning, I recommend having your kids wear clothing that can potentially get dirty or stained.
Then have your kids fill their droppers with the coffee and drop (squirt) it onto their white paper; this is great fine motor practice.
They may be hesitant at first and only do little drops or may choose to begin by making small spots.
But then, your kids may get really into it and make big designs or flood the paper with coffee. Either way works and will look cool!
The one thing about coffee dripping is that it doesn’t all absorb into the paper, so you will have excess coffee in the tray that can be used for staining the entire paper.
Also, when you pick up the paper, the coffee will run. It’s totally okay and adds to the design.
The goal is to have a design and the page fully stained.
Depending on how many pages you would like in the keepsake craft, will dictate the amount of paper to stain.
For example; we made one book with four pages and another book with eight pages (two sheets of construction paper and 1/2 sheet of watercolor paper).
As the pages are stained, simply remove them from the tray and place them somewhere to dry.
Once the paper is dry, it’s time to assemble.
You’ll begin by folding the paper in half like a book, then cut apart.
This would be a great opportunity for cutting practice!
Then, fold the cut paper in half again to make a smaller book.
Combine all folded pages together and if you have a specific cover page, then place that on the outside.
It’s now time to hole punch the pages.
You’re going to make two holes on the folded part of each page.
Unfortunately, our hole punch could only be used with one page at a time, so we had to make holes in the cover first and then slide one page in at a time to line up the holes correctly.
If your hole punch can do all at the same time, then awesome.
Once your holes are made, simply put the pages back together and make sure the holes are lined up.
Then gather your string or ribbon, cut two pieces, and use them to tie the pages together.
Wallah! The pages of your kids’ coffee keepsake craft are ready to be filled.