Monday, April 11, 2016

Premier Fitness Systems – What is Our Why

Post image for Premier Fitness Systems – What is Our Why

Our mission is you

Until this point MGS has focused almost exclusively on equipment. Today, that changes.

Our goal was to build the most comprehensive #Datacratic equipment review system in the golf industry. We're well on our way to achieving that goal, so now we are ready to begin helping golfers in other ways. We envision a place where passionate golfers, hungry for a performance edge across all facets of the game, can come to find information they can trust.

Building a Better Golfer

Fitness - definitely golf fitness - has changed over the past decade. Dramatically.

There's an ever-expanding list of so-called fitness experts out there. But who can you trust to deliver real results?

We trust Premier Fitness Systems.

Their list of clients includes Kevin Kisner, Aaron Baddeley, Scott Stallings and Blair O'Neal.

And now it includes YOU.

The team of PFS will be producing a series of articles that, for those willing to put in the work, will provide the foundation in fitness that will help you succeed on the golf course. But before we get to that, we wanted to give you the opportunity to learn more about PFS.


Our Why?

Premier Fitness Systems - Brandon and Greg

Why did Premier Fitness Systems start its training/fitness business? Our initial thoughts were a result of the works of Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk, "Start with Why?

What is the real reason why clients connect to our gym? Premier Fitness’ purpose, our cause, our principles fuel and drive our desire to grow, as well as learn. Anyone who started and runs a business knows it is not an easy thing to do. BUT… if there is a strong reason WHY driving one’s business, it will be successful! Our strongest WHY has always been the concern for our clients, plus an acute desire to help each and every member achieve a greater level of health and performance.

From our onset, the Premier Fitness Systems team has always made decisions that guaranteed the best results for our clients. Having optimal health and fitness not only helps our members physically, but also emotionally. Our team is 100% committed to assist each and every person in reaching his/her full potential. Our happiness and excitement comes from partnering with you as you achieve your goals. Whether you want to gain 10 mph of swing speed or touch your toes…. your personal goals matter to us! Witnessing your success when you reach these goals is the fueling factor in our drive to be the best!

The Movement Revolution

Premier Fitness Systems - Swing on Balance Ball

All over the world it is noted that one large problem looms – only a scarce few understand fitness! Isn’t it ironic when one says he/she goes to the gym 4-6 days a week, yet that person continues to be unable to move? Do you realize that you can ruin your body by exercising incorrectly? Fundamentally, there is a general lack of ability to function or do the most basic human movements. Bending, crawling, squatting, hanging, and rotating are activities that are impossible for most people to perform; yet they are the most basic. Think about it… if you can’t touch your toes, should you be deadlifting 300 lbs.? If you can’t be in the correct position to hold a plank, should you be bench pressing or doing 50 pushups?

Now, think about this. If you are unable to maneuver these basic movements, what happens to your body as you undertake a complicated skill such as swinging a golf club?

ANSWER: your body will compensate, and thus you raise your risk for injury.

Premier Fitness Systems - Chris Marshall

Premier Fitness wants to change this! Your body was meant to move, and we are here to teach you how to do that. Some of you might be thinking… ahhh, forget it, I’ll just work 8-10 hours a day without exercise and everything will be alright. Result? Your spine will turn into a brick. If you continue to take the easy way out, on top of being a couch potato, you’ll likely spend your 60's being fit for fake body parts (hip replacement, knee replacement, etc.). When the grandkids come, you won’t be able to get down on the floor to play with them. Is this what you want for yourself? The movement revolution is here, and Premier Fitness Systems is here to spread the word!

Our Mission

Premier Fitness Systems - Wedge

Premier Fitness Systems is determined to continue its push to drive training in a positive direction towards the achievement of a better quality of movement and mobility. Training is so much more than going to the gym and lifting weights. Phenomenal results can be gained for both the ”true athlete “ and the “regular Joe” when knowledge and skill come together.

Premier Fitness Systems’ mission is to seek out the most beneficial knowledge from the best gurus/ trainers in the field. Then the team will bring that valuable information back to you, the client. It is our mission to be the best at our craft. This open mindset allows us to create a hybrid of all the best facets of fitness and methods of movement in order to build better human performance, and return our clients back to a natural state.

A Better Way

Premier Fitness Systems - Golf Bands

Sometimes going to the gym without training makes things worse. To lift weights effectively, one should focus on alignment, mobility, segmental spine control, hanging, and breathing. This too is one of Premier Fitness Systems’ driving forces… “to change the way individuals view fitness”! Let us to educate you on the correct way to start and view fitness correctly!

Learning to move and to keep moving is the key to living pain-free in the future and always feeling good.

Watching our clients successfully achieve their goals is what keeps the Premier Fitness trainers motivated. In addition to seeing all of you develop better, healthier lifestyles, our team also benefits tremendously from the connections we have formed with each and every one of our clients.

Join Us

Premier Fitness Systems - 90 Day Challenge

From the onset of this practice, making money was never our main focus. We are about people, relationships, the well-being of our members, and always doing what is best for every single client.

As a result, many members are our lifelong friends. These patrons attend our weddings, escort us on vacations, go on hikes with us through wine country... they will always remain in our lives. For this reason, our work environment is an amazing place that easily facilitates the continual growth of its trainers, coaches, and members.

Remember, the movement revolution is here!

Your body was built to crawl, hang, jump, skip, run, bend, and move in different ways all the time. Premier Fitness is here to help you do just that.

Our team wants to change the way you train at the gym and make it fun! Get rid of those fancy machines. Take your shoes off and move like a human should. The Premier Fitness team is here to challenge the status quo and return humans to a better state.

Join us!

from MyGolfSpy

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